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Build a New World with Inkarnate and PlanetMaker!

If you want to bring a story to life.  Why not build a world for that story to exist in.  It's easier than it sounds with Inkarnate and PlanetMaker!

Watch the video for a quick tutorial on Inkarnate and PlanetMaker


You can use this map in the planning of a story.  By thinking about the world your story will live in before you start writing, you can think of the challenges your characters will face and the settings where the story takes place.  It's also a great way to help your reader visualise your story.
You could write a fictitious recount of a traveler who explores the world.  Or an explanation text to describe the animals on your planet.

If this is what it looks like from far away, what might it look like closer up?  You can connect to architecture, landscapes or cultural designs.

Using the Inkarnate map image, you can tag certain locations so that additional information, artwork or links appear when you click on them.  For a lesson on how to do this, click here.

Social Studies:
Discuss the challenges that your population will face.  Do all people face the same challenges?  What resources might each country have access to?  What values might each culture consider important?  Hold a 'United Nations' session to debate the actions of a particular country.  Can you end up at a peaceful solution that everyone can be satisfied with?

If everything on your planet is twice that of Earth, how large is it?  How long does it take to orbit the sun?  How tall is its' tallest mountain?  How deep is its' ocean? What is its' population? What if it was 1/2 the size?

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